
Bimini shark encounter 2007

The Bimini shark encounter 2007 was an unqualified success. We saw so many different types of shark and ray and there was never a dull moment. Everyone walked away from the course having gained something, whether just the experience being up close to various types of shark, improvements to camera techniques, or extra knowledge about sharks and rays imparted by Doc Gruber and Dean Grubbs.

Our thanks to Andy, Cheryl, Heather, Jenny, Jill, Jo, Laurence, and Louise for being such a friendly bunch of people.

2007 photo competition

The 2007 photo competition is judged by a panel of independent shark and photography experts from around the globe. The first prize is much coveted and dreamed of, and we will come up with what it actually is later!. To view the pictures simply visit the Bimini 2007 photo competition page

Here are some links to galleries from the 2007 trip:

The 2007 Group

Up close and personal with reef sharks

The Bull shark

Tagging a Tiger

The Bimini Boa

A few scenic shots

In and around the mangroves

Snorkelling the wreck of the Sapona

Southern stingrays and Eagle rays