Bite-Back Feb 2002

Over 18,000 Dall's porpoises are killed each year by the Japanese, the largest direct kill of any cetacean, then sold as 'whale meat'. The IWC, expressing "extreme concern", passed a resolution calling for an end to these hunts until there is a population revue. Japan refused to abide by this, refuses to take part in the population revue and has now set out on another season's slaughter. Ask Japan to halt this unnecessary killing:

The Japanese fisheries minister Yoichi Tani at white56@maff.go.jp The Japanese ambassador Hiroki Fuji at info@embjapan.org.uk Join the Greenpeace whale action team (you don't have to be a member) on http://act.greenpeace.org/mms/m?r=4&st=0&sk=eye&la=en

E-mails to Junichiro Koizumi, the Japanese PM, have been stopped (surprise, surprise). However I'm sure he'd love a postcard at:PM's Residence, 2-3-1 Nagatacho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 100-0014, Japan

It is a tragedy to discover a new species just in time to watch its final destruction, but that is what is in danger of happening with our North Atlantic coral beds. As traditional fishing stocks collapse, deep-water fish such as Orange Roughy, Blue Ling and Monkfish are being increasingly targeted. Evidence is now emerging that these species are in rapid decline, that deep-water sharks and Smoothheads, part of the huge discarded by-catch, are also threatened, and that the deep-water trawls used could destroy all the unique North Atlantic coral, which we are only just discovering, within a few years.

This fishery is entirely unregulated. Express your concerns to: The N.E.Atlantic Fisheries Commission at info@neafc.org The EU Fisheries Minister Franz Fischler at kabinett-fischler@cec.eu.int

John Nightingale