Bite-Back Jan 2002

The EC Bathing Water Directive, designed to protect our right to swim in unpolluted water, applies only from May to September and to places where people 'bathe'. It ignores divers, surfers etc who use the water all year round and in non-beach locations. There is now a move to change this.

Go to www.sas.org.uk and click on 'water user questionnaire' to add the divers view to this push for change Contact the EU Environment minister envinfo@cec.eu.int and ask them to include all water users in their regulations

DIVE first alerted divers last May about plans to increase radioactive discharges of tritium into the Plymouth waters by an astonishing 700%. With a 12 year half-life, it will spread right along the coast, used by thousands of divers. Scientists warn that it can cause genetic abnormalities and cancers, and is of particular concern to those that spend time in the water. Add the diver's voice to the demands for a public enquiry:

The Secretary of State for the Environment, Margaret Beckett on secretaryofstate@defra.gsi.gov.uk and The Secretary of State for Health, Alan Milburn on dhmail@doh.gsi.gov.uk and ask why they are putting a nuclear decommissioning complex in the middle of a large city, and polluting the surrounding waters, without a public enquiry

WELL DONE The pressure of thousands of e-mails sent to the Ecuadorian government (BB Nov 01) from individuals all over the world has finally cut through the layers of corruption to produce the first ever conviction for shark poaching in Galapagos waters

John Nightingale